Saturday, May 1, 2010

April 2010

Well to start out the month, we celebrated Easter in New Harmony with Jared's family. We also went down to Kanab to celebrate Jared's grandparents 50th wedding anniversary! I turned twenty eight this month, so that was a blast...Oh and I am officially signed up to run the San Fransisco half marathon. I have been more consistent with my running,so hopefully by July I will be ready to go! It's good to have something to work for.
It snowed here yesterday, so that was depressing. I should be done with the "play room" remodel by the next time I blog, so I will share my before and afters.
Jared has also been working out and has been an animal on the bench press. He maxed out at 330lb which is pretty crazy for his weight. Speaking of weight, he has also gained around twenty pounds, so that has been good.
I don't know if I mentioned this before, but we started a business called Utah Home Help. Jared pretty much does everything, but we work with a bunch of different people and coordinate home loan modifications, short sales, and debt consolidation. It's actually going pretty good, so that has been a blessing. If you know anyone who needs a home loan mod etc. send them our way! It's been rewarding for Jared to help people stay in their homes and prevent them from bankruptcy and/or foreclosure.
Tyler is full of energy, so I'm trying to find ways to channel it into positive activities (I'd love any ideas..) Brady has been talking more and more. He enjoys helping me unload the dishwasher when its still dirty, and unfolding my newly folded laundry.
Hope everyone is doing well and has a great month!
Chelsea, Jared, Ty and Brady

1 comment:

Jilly said...

What a fun spring for you guys. I'm glad Jared's business is doing so well! It was good to see you, we need to get together soon!